Well we are to make the first topic about theese: HACKER, SCAMMERS, STEALERS........... Remember Roami????? Well al the hackers now are ussing this kinda pages so if some one asks for ur: EMAIL,TWITTER,FACEBOOK, PASSWORDS ETC.......... DO NOT EVER GIVE TI! THEY WILL HACK YOU, for example they told u they will make u a makeover, they will make u ss freee..... things like that do not belive them....... because they are hackers, just stop talking to them, report them, and block them! and if u have a history of hack or something like that help us and we will make everything possible, and some people like Lucyernag and Abyespadre they tell you they will hack you WHEN THEY HARDLY KNOW HOW TO USE A COMPUTER!!!!!!! this is just to scare you, cheat on you for example y had a chat with one it was something liek this:
IF YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND FOR 3 DAYS I WILL NOT HACK YOU AND NOT TO UR FRIENDS!! so at last we learn that they do not know anything, and belive me this is TIME OF HACKERS! well as you now allmost in everywhere are vacations so thoose basterds do not have nothing to dow and they will make you to have a bad time and just to entretain them selves!!! look do not never go to this page when hacker tell u to put the name of ur doll, their password and ur mail and in the comment everyhting u want look a pic of the page: ALERT DO NOT NEVER PUT YOURE INFO!
do not ever in your life fill the blanks is this page:http://freestardol.webs.com/apps/guestbook/ SO BE ALERT! have nice vacations and take care!!!! any dudes or problems just comment :)

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