I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com.

Friday, 30 July 2010


Finally we reach this point and there are new gifts and de lucky 70.000.000 million member was JULIAXD3 surprising right? well a bunch of gifts are waiting in ur suites: 70 ballon, 70 heart, 70 tee, green shrots, a drees, sandal and thats all :) heres a pic

If u havent get them go to:

http://goproxing.com/ and in the bar bellow put: http://stardoll.com/


Wednesday, 28 July 2010

New Hotbuy

I was arround Starplaza and i saw this new Hotbuy is a purple drees not soy beautiful but it is 16 stardollars and the other stuff are new things on starplaza have a nice day :)


Friday, 23 July 2010


Well we are to make the first topic about theese: HACKER, SCAMMERS, STEALERS........... Remember Roami????? Well al the hackers now are ussing this kinda pages so if some one asks for ur: EMAIL,TWITTER,FACEBOOK, PASSWORDS ETC.......... DO NOT EVER GIVE TI! THEY WILL HACK YOU, for example they told u they will make u a makeover, they will make u ss freee..... things like that do not belive them....... because they are hackers, just stop talking to them, report them, and block them! and if u have a history of hack or something like that help us and we will make everything possible, and some people like Lucyernag and Abyespadre they tell you they will hack you WHEN THEY HARDLY KNOW HOW TO USE A COMPUTER!!!!!!! this is just to scare you, cheat on you for example y had a chat with one it was something liek this:

IF YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND FOR 3 DAYS I WILL NOT HACK YOU AND NOT TO UR FRIENDS!! so at last we learn that they do not know anything, and belive me this is TIME OF HACKERS! well as you now allmost in everywhere are vacations so thoose basterds do not have nothing to dow and they will make you to have a bad time and just to entretain them selves!!! look do not never go to this page when hacker tell u to put the name of ur doll, their password and ur mail and in the comment everyhting u want look a pic of the page: ALERT DO NOT NEVER PUT YOURE INFO! do not ever in your life fill the blanks is this page:http://freestardol.webs.com/apps/guestbook/ SO BE ALERT! have nice vacations and take care!!!! any dudes or problems just comment :)


Wow¡¡ que emocion porfin escritora de el blog :D bueno primero que nada HOLA y gracias por pasar a ver nuestro blog¡¡. Yo soy princesofjb si tienen alguna duda o algo comentarios.. etc contactame por mi doll¡¡¡ y tambien por mi blog¡¡¡ http://princesofjb-stardollworld.blogspot.com/ RECOMIENDANOS¡¡ Y SUSCRIBETE¡¡

CD Campaing Accesories.

Well First Remember the free dog and the free cat???

Well ive got the dog:

And in Starplaza u can get many accesories and some only for ss.

Free Cat!

Well what u have to do is go to:

and in the bar write: www.stardoll.com/en/cinema

Wait a few seconds and it will be waiting for you in ur suite in a blue bag.
Here is the cat :)

Hope it funccions for you and you like it.

New Items on the Suite Shop!!!!

Well I was checking everything to see something new and i had a view of the items that just arrived to the suiteshop, some are expensive and almost all are for superstars :( Heres a pic:

Heres another pic of page #2:

Thursday, 22 July 2010

New Items on Starplaza

Well I was checking the latest stuff on starplaza and i saw a new collection: JPCTEEN, you like it or what......... I mean everything is for Girls and Superstars, well do you like it?......

And here are the rest of the new items:

New Writter!!!! (:

Now we have company (: Princesofjb of Stardoll she is a new Writter in the Blog and she will help me! She is nice and maybe she will publish in spanish but it does not mind because u can use de google translator. Here is she!! Is lot better cause we now have femmale company and she will help you and care about ur oppinion add her and join her clubs in stardoll visit her by clicking here www.stardoll.com/member/princesofjb join her clubs and add her and rate her (: here is another pic of her:

Antidote Collection

I was bored and i check out Antidote and i was surprised because ANTIDOTE ALWAYS ENDS VERY QUICK, but we have to admmit that some of the clothes are very ugly or unfashionable, the furniture was pretty cool and it is almos over but just look how many clothes are left! (and some are nice)

New Store: Killah

Well since yesterday a new store arrived to starplaza: Killah. First a doll with the same name went out with name Killah then a day before the store the articles were aviable on the new things but everything is expensive and only for SS i prefer Miss Sixty and Killah is like a gropu of Hot Buys and if the sotre is closed, it will be one of the most wanted thing in Starbazaar.

Floor #1

Floor #2

Todays CoverGirls

Yesterday this Girl: ANDRZELIKAG was very nottable by the lots of messages she was sendind but...... somthing scary that yesterdays covergirl was in 2nd place o:!!!!!! u can visit todays cover girl by clickcing here: www.stardoll.com/member/andrzelikag She is nice as covergirl, even her suites are to simple she fits perfectly as cg, congratulations to her !! (: P.D: WITH OUT MY VOTE SHE WILL NOT BE COVERGIRL XD BUT I VOTED FOR HER XD!

New Blog

Well this is a new blog, my account on stardoll is Viva.la.France: www.stardoll.com/member/Viva.la.France Visit me. Well here I am going to publish about: Hot Buys, Free Stuff, Makeovers to the followers, Favors, Hackers and things we should now....... Well I have just opened this blog because wordpress was to hard for me and this is easier.... Well have a nice day and follow this Blog. P.D: The first 10 follares will get a gift from me (: